We have not named any of the lambs yet, but here are some pictures of the most recent two.
We are still expecting to get some nice lambs from one of our babydolls Marilyn, however, she is keeping them tucked inside for now. Though her milk bag is getting YEWG(Huge for those who don’t speak President Trump), which is a good sign that she is getting close to releasing the hostages. Our humble farm is slowly becoming a real life working farm, and God willing we will continue to put our efforts in making it a good home for our children and our animals. Of course, if you want to save these Finns from losing their um… male bits, they are for sale. We will be selling them for 400 each, as they are register able rams.
As I mentioned in the previous post we have been blessed with the fields next to us that our sheep can wander in and have all the grass they can manage to chew in a day’s time. Well it is getting to be that time of year where things that are not watered constantly begin to dry up and die and turn into a fire hazard, so the person who owns the field is doing the weed abatement thing, but says that our sheep can still roam up there after all is said and done.
So while we will be losing the food supply for a short amount of time, it is for the best as the dead grass is really not nutritious for them anyway. However, as a repayment to Blaze for letting us, wait for it… ewes…. the land, this coming year he should not have to worry about paying for the weed abatement as they should do a good job on keeping up with the newer stuff that grows. They were at a slight disadvantage this year as it had become so overgrown and they couldn’t graze it until far too late in the season.
This situation has revealed a great amount of selfishness and entitlement in me though. I was frustrated that we had been given all rams, instead of being grateful for all that our Lord and King has provided for us. I have been bitter because the blessing I was given was not the blessing that I wanted. Not even a serious issue like Paul who had some sort of actual problem he was dealing with, asked God 3 times to remove it from him, and God responds with “My grace is sufficient for you”. One of the apostles, counting all as rubbish for the sake of the Lord, and here I am disheartened because I have been given more than I need. Instead I should be called to praising the Father who provides, and asking that He remember our brothers and sisters around the world who are in fact suffering, for His name sake.